Tuesday 11 December 2012

Font Choices

Each member within our group are going to research and find different types, sizes and styles of font which fit in which our fim sequence. we will then get together and decide on a final piece in which we feel suits the film sequence best. Below is some of the fonts which i have come across and feel they are huge contenders in helping us in the sequence:

After discussing the two fonts above with Aaron we have thought to use 'resist' as the font for the credits throughout our sequence as there are parts missing with holes in the text which reflects the life of the child in our film. 'coalition' may then be used for the end part were our film name comes up as there are still parts of the font which are faded to show his life being torn etc after the death of his parents.

As our title sequence will be in black and white, we thought white would stand out and look quite good with the clips.

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