Monday, 26 November 2012

film studio research

The film studio that me, Aaron and Kieran have chosen is Lionsgate. They produced films such as The Possession, Cabin In The Woods and Dredd.
Lionsgate was formed in 1997 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Erik Feig is in charge of Lionsgate.

Films that have been released that are similar in content to our film such as the Hunger Games.
The average cost of some of their films are around $25-$50 million.

I found that Rise Of The foot Soldier has a story line similar or on the line of revenge to the narrative of my film. The film first starts of to do with football but the base of it is about revenge, gangs, gun crime and drugs.
Batman Begins is similar to my film as in when his parents are killed and the killer is sentenced.

By basing these two films with my narrative, I will have a good aspect and ideas on what I can do with my narrative since it is a revenge/crime and drugs genre.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Me, Aaron and Kieran...
    As the author of "The Dibbuk Box" and owner of the demented artifact - now buried, do you have any questions about the screenplay, premiere, possible sequel?? Send me a note - Jason Haxton email:
